LMG is Latin é's creative arm helping companies grow by helping them with reaching the U.S. Hispanic Markets through their platforms.


" Over 60% of Hispanics in the United States prefer to consume their Hispanic content in English "

– Google

Did You Know?

The buying power of the U.S. Hispanic Market grew from $1.2 Trillion in 2012 to $1.5 Trillion by 2015 and currently projected to grow to $1.6 Trillion in the next couple years. With 50k Latinos turning 18 every month for the next 20 years, they are the largest growing demographic in the United States.


Want to learn more?

We Can Help You Reach The Hispanic Market Through Our Services.

Social Media Influencing

Social Media Influencing

Through our continuously growing social media following, we can help you gain awareness, drive traffic and generate leads from the Hispanic Community.

Product Placement

Product Placement

Integrate your product into one of our original show productions.



Distribute your advertisements & messaging throughout all our digital properties & our video on demand channels available on Roku and Apple TV.

Why The U.S. Hispanic Market?

Did You Know?
  • 25% of all U.S. Millennials are Hispanic
  • Non-Mexican Hispanics represent 1/3 of the Total U.S. Hispanic Population
  • 2.4 million U.S. Hispanic households with an annual income at or above $100K
  • The average Hispanic spends more than eight hours watching online video each month—over 90 minutes longer than the U.S. average
  • 10 million Hispanics watch mobile video for an average of more than six hours per month.
  • Hispanics are 17% more likely than non-Hispanics to access the web more through their phone than through a computer.

Download Our Hispanic Markets Data Sheet

Want to learn more?

As an entertainment media company at our core, our team is a unique combination of creatives, marketeers and videographers which have been able to develop and deliver engaging content giving companies the competitive advantage they truly have been seeking.


Small Team, Big Firepower!

Hispanics Represent 18% of U.S. Population

In 2015, the Hispanic population reached a new high of 57 million, an increase of 1.6 million from 2014, representing nearly 18 percent of the U.S. population. - Hispanic Wealth Project

Learn More. Schedule Your Presentation Today

Want to learn more about how LMG can help you reach the U.S. Hispanic Market. Schedule a consultation today.

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LMG is Latin é’s creative arm helping companies grow by assisting them with their Social Media Marketing, reaching the U.S. Hispanic Markets through its Multicultural Solutions and developing amazing content through it’s Production and Syndication Services.

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